Selamat Berpuasa

Di harapkan tahun ini saya akan:

  • Tidak membazir bila membeli juadah berbuka puasa (defeats the purpose of PUASA when we membazir kan?).
  • Meringankan kaki ke masjid/surau untuk Solat Sunat Tarawikh.
  • Cuba mengajar anak-anak untuk turut berpuasa.


xox: NN


Saying it without SAYING it.

Someone asked me about how to be subtle when it comes to pouring your heart out. Is it possible not to say those words but getting the message across? So I try to remember all those years when I was pursuing love. Not a lot of experience to share but one came out of my mind.

I used to be wondering whether he likes me or not. He NEVER showed any interest but I was already deep in trouble with my heart. I wanted to know, so that I could stop making it obvious if he doesn’t share the same sentiment. I could finally start being his secret admirer. And then came the email… He only wrote 3 lines;

“Tetapi hingga saat ini daku bertahan,

Masihkah kau tak mengerti.

Masihkah kau tak tahu.”

And that was the beginning of my first love story…

I hope all the people who are in love out there find a way to tell the other person how they feel. You don’t want to end up not knowing…

xox: NN

It’s not about the kinky f***ery!

I don’t even know where to begin with this one. Yes, it’s 3/4 erotic but what intrigues me the most is Mr Grey himself. This character is not only a sadist, but I think he also have multiple personality disorder and bipolar! A very interesting character for a psychologist to study. The BDSM part in the books I usually skip because they make me blush whenever I read them. No, seriously, I almost delete the first book out from my iphone. Too graphic. But I’m glad that I didn’t. As I said earlier, Christian Grey is a very very interesting character.

And now, from what I heard, Mark Wahlberg is trying to win the rights to make a movie based on the book. My, my, my! Christian Grey in the flesh?! How? Who? Omg… I can only imagine his gray eyes making hearts melt and women around the world flocking the cinemas to BE with Christian Grey. A lot rumors going on about who’s playing Grey. Ian Somerhalder seems to be the frontrunner. Sexy, smoldering eyes… But too square-ish for me.

How about Ryan Gosling? Too blond-ish for me. But nonetheless, gorgeous gorgeous species!

Anyway, I think I’d like to suggest Matt Bomer to play Christian Grey. At least I won’t get too jealous of the real life partner who gets to sleep with him every single night! Hehehehe…

Sigh… A girl can only dream…

I give the book a B. But I give Christian Grey A++++ in everything else.

Fair warning; the book is not for the faint-hearted! Very, very graphic.

xox: NN

Extra sensitivity needed


Have you ever had one of those days when all you wanted was just peace and calmness but your sensitivity radar suddenly hiked up? Even a little comment makes you want to pull someone’s head off? Well my friends, I’m having it today (or this week… PMS alert!).

I’m not asking everyone to be nice to me but a little bit of sensitivity is a must in any occasion. And not just to me, to everyone else as well. Let me give you an example:

After a few years not seeing a friend;

A: Wow! It’s been 5 years since I last saw you. You changed!

B: Of course I’ve changed. It’s been 5 years. Not 5 minutes.


A: It’s been 10 years and you got fat.

B: Yes, yes… I have been eating within that 10 years of not seeing you. I also gave birth to a few kids. So I supposed that’s the real reason for me being fat.

So people, try to avoid the words ‘fat’, ‘healthy’, ‘sihat’, ‘berisi’, ‘tembam’ or anything that could actually make someone feel bad. Must always remember, WE ALL CHANGE AFTER A FEW YEARS. If you are not fat, you have wrinkles. If you don’t have wrinkles, you probably are related to the Kardashians. Moral of the story is, be careful what you say in front of your long lost friends.

Happy Tuesday!!!

xox: NN

p/s: If anyone comment on me being chubby, I’m really gonna say ‘fuck off’ this time around…