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Forgetful Jones

Okay… I have a lot to say but I don’t want to write a specific entry about ’em… (i.e.: LAZY). I think it’s funner (is this even a word?) to put it in a list. I love lists… Makes my life easier since I’m very disorganized and forgetful. Talking about forgetful, do you remember a character in Sesame Street called ‘Forgetful Jones’? I think he’s funny. 🙂

Here are some stuff I wanna share with ya’ll;

  • I’ve found out last weekend, that the Billie Jean sang by David Cook was actually sung by Chris Cornell. I mean, that version was actually Chris’s arrangement and it was featured in his album. Chris’s version is way, way, way better. I have the song loaded in my iPod. I think Widie and Cat would love the song. Very ‘jiwa kacau’ and great guitar arrangement. Widie, add that to the list of songs I’m requesting from you…
  • I kno for some it might not be a big deal. But seeing your kid turning 1 is a great achievement for some. So I’m ‘TRYING’ to plan a birthday bash (although she might not remember the party at all). I’d love to do an outdoor party but I don’t have any clue where to do it. Any suggestion?
  • Again, for some it might not be a big deal but my turning 30 is really creeping me out. I kno, I kno… It’s just numbers… But still…. SIGH…. (Cat, stop rolling your eyes!!!! Shanky, don’t bitch about it! I’m so bloody e-m-o about this).
  • It’s 8.36am and someone is playing Avril Lavigne’s stupid song (baby…baby…you’re so good to me.. – I dunno wat’s the title) and it’s a bimbo song. I think my IQ just dropped…
  • I’m back to reading books again. Finished 2 books last week. Neither were good enuff for me to re-read. I’m on my third book and it’s called ‘Me and Mr Darcy’. Who doesn’t love Mr Darcy? He’s too damn perfect and that’s why he’s fiction!
  • After forever, I went out on a date with Abu. We watched ‘Shutter’ and I’m telling you people, the Thai version is much scarier. And there was this group of idiots who were so noisy and kept laughing at the scary part. Who the bloody hell laughs when the ghost comes out?!!!! I didn’t enjoy it because of those idiots.
  • I love Madonna’s new song but can’t get Paula Abdul’s song out of my head. And I kept singing ‘Michelle’ until last week… Stupid song!
  • I’m suddenly craving for Korean/Japanese/Taiwanese drama. Been watching Meteor Garden (I kno… It’s so keong-keong!) and now I’m stuck singing the theme song. It’s not a bad song and F4 DID NOT sing the theme song. Harlem Yu did (I just kno that as well… I’m a music genius!)
  • A huge big TAKZIAH to Kak Long on the loss of her baby girl. She was only 16 days old and had a complication right after birth. My prayers are with her all the way. (I suddenly remember the King of Gondor was saying ‘No parent should bury their child’ in LOTR but I always believe that the good die young…). Takziah again…

I think that should be sufficient for the time being. Btw, this week’s theme for AI is country. That KLC girl is one lucky girl…

This is not good for…

… Jason Castro. He’s no longer the brightest amongst the pack of shining stars! I’m disappointed… Straight to my list, from top to bottom;

  1. David Cook – I shall call him ‘the brave one’. He’s really insane to turn Billie Jean into an almost suicidal sounding song (Cat, his version can be in our ‘song list’, right behind ‘All by myself’…). It was bloody brilliant! Michael Jackson’s fans will either hate it, or love it. I still think he lacks originality because of the whole Daughtry-era. Nonetheless, his voice was superb.
  2. Brooke White – I love the song. Same case as ‘If I fell’, I don’t care if it was out of tune, I just love the song. The first half of her performance was fantastic. She should have just kept singing with the piano only.
  3. Carly – Again, it’s all about the song. I agree with Simon. Her whole performance was really ‘tense’. It’s as if she’s forcing her voice out of her throat.
  4. Jason Castro – I’m disappointed with the whole thing. From his ugly skin-colored pants with the oh-so-not matching shirt to the ‘too-laid-back-attitude’. He’s definitely NOT gonna win this season (Archuleta will..), but at least I wanna see him go far. Top 5 at least. Anywhos, I still love the song and I think it suits him well. He just needs to do something with it so that it won’t sound so karaoke-ish.
  5. Chikezie – I have to say, that his vocal is really good. The performance was nothing special tho…
  6. David Archuleta – So this boy can sing… SO WHAT?! He’s really cute too… That’s another plus point for him. Not loving the song choice.
  7. Michael Johns – His fans will definitely disagree with me. But why is he shouting instead of singing? And again, this is another case of ‘comparing-to-the-previous-idol-thingy’. No one can sing a Queen’s song better than Constantine Maroulis.
  8. Syesha – Can sing, but such a sappy song! Very forgettable… That’s the problem with her.
  9. Ramiele – I still don’t like her.
  10. KLC – WTH?! God Bless America? It’s as if someone singing ‘Negaraku’ in Akademi Fantasia or Malaysian Idol…. I don’t get it…

My verdict; bottom 3: KLC, Carly, and Chikezie. I think Chikezie is going home this week. KLC might be saved because of her patriotic song. She should go on campaign for Hillary Clinton… Heehee… However, there might be an upset this week and Carly or Jason might go home…. Let’s just hope it’s not Jason….

Never learn aaaa?!!!


 Me and Air Asia don’t see eye to eye anymore. I’m SOOOOOOO not gonna fly with them ever!!! This happened during Raya Haji last year remember? No, we didn’t miss our flight. This time, they delayed our flight TWICE! Our original flight back to KL was on Sunday at 4.25pm. As I was speeding through KK town that morning, I received an sms from them at 11.58am;

“URGENT! Airasia flight AK5111 from KK to LCCT on 23Mar08 is now retimed to 7.45pm. For more info please call 0387754000 or 0386604343”

Okayla… At least 7.45pm, we’ll reach KL around 10pm. Still okay for me and Baby K… I slowed down and took my time to go about KK town…

And then, as I was getting ready and packing all my stuff and giving Baby K her bath, I received another sms from them at 3.43pm;

“URGENT! Airasia flight AK5111 from KK to LCCT on 23Mar08 is now retimed to 10.25pm. For more info please call 0387754000 or 0386604343”

10.25pm?!!!! So we’ll arrive around 1am, and I’ll reach home at 2am?!!!! I’m so bloody disappointed with Air Asia. I tried calling them and after a few thousand times dialling, I got through. I requested to change my flight to early Monday morning but they ‘request’ me to pay an extra RM150 each person because I ask for the flight change. I’m flying with an infant and they expect me to fly in the middle of the night and reach home at 2am? Am not going clubbing okay?! HELLOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What’s the end of the story you ask? I told the Air Asia rep, “So you want me to pay an extra RM300 for a flight that might be delayed again? If that’s the case, I’d rather pay RM1000 to fly with MAS for a confirmed flight.”… So I took MAS. Thanks to my mom and my aunt, the flight back was free. I’m so freakin’ disappointed with Air Asia!

On another note, for MAS, when people pay like super expensive for the flight, you don’t serve them cold sandwich on the plane. Might as well reduce your fare a bit if you want to serve such hideous food.

p/s: I cut her hair and now she got ‘Temenggung Jugah’ hair…

Mobility and technology

It’s 15mins to 1pm. I’m in Damai Hospital back in KK. No, am not sick. Both my grandparents are admitted here since last week and since it’s long weekend for us, I decide to come back and visit. It’s just me, Baby K, and her bibik. Abu can’t get cuti anymore.
Anywho, I’m playing with my new gadget, testing if I can update my blog from it. Apparently, the world is getting smaller and everything is so mobile now. No reason for me to miss my blog update. So I’m lying on this very comfortable couch, looking after my grandps (my grandpa vetoed and ask the doktor to put my grandma in the same room), and updating my blog. That’s what I call multi-tasking!

Beatles… Again?!


With all my love and respect to the fantastic four, AI doing it again is so NOT good. Last week’s performances were excellent and I thought they should have just leave it at that. IMO, people tend to compare and the contestants (who gets good review last week) tend to hang on to it, thinking that they might be able to score with the judges again since it’s the same theme!

Let’s get on with my list, from top to bottom again;

  1. Jason Castro – The song is just too haunting! I kept singing it in my head. To tell you the truth, it was not a strong performance but did you hear all the screaming and yelling at the back? I agree with Simon. His face sells like a cold ice tea on a hot day! And the song is just too irritating for me to forget… I’d like to change my name to ‘Michelle’ but I don’t think my mom would approve…
  2. Syesha – Her version of ‘Yesterday’ will be the theme song for all break ups and broken hearts… I thought it was excellent, but nothing beat the original version.
  3. Carly – I’ve never heard this song before but I thought she did good with it. The only problem with Carly for me is she’s very forgettable. And I don’t think she deserves to be in AI because she already had her chance with Hollywood. I mean, she already had an album ( be it a flop or not ). Give other people chance laaaa!
  4. David Archuleta – His smile is infectious. Yet, another strong performance from him. Wasn’t my favorite from him though…
  5. Michael Johns – Just because I love the song and he looks sooooo good in those pants (whaaat?! I love men who can fill up a pants nicely. Especially the backside!!!). But he’s also going down the drain. Very forgettable.
  6. Chikezie – Love the song and not the second half of the performance.
  7. Amanda – Love the song but not her attitude. She’s being very defensive about the judges comments. It’s just a bloody opinion! And you should never talk back to Simon Cowell!!!!!
  8. David Cook – I didn’t like the arrangement. It was messy and didn’t sound like a Beatles song at all.
  9. Brooke White – She’s very weird. Very defensive as well. As if she’s telling the judges, ‘it’s ok for you to give me negative feedback because I’ve been doing so well…’. What she needs to kno, is that, she deserved the negative comments because it was a bad performance!
  10. Ramiele – She thinks she’ll be saved because she’s tiny and cute. Small doesn’t mean you’re the baby of the group. She’s babying herself! I don’t like it!
  11. KLC – It;s time for her to pack her bags…

My verdict:  Bottom 3 will be KLC, Amanda, and Michael Johns. Amanda might go home because KLC would most probably get sympathy votes from her fans.

Before I reach 30, I would like to…

… do these few things:

  1. Take guitar or piano lesson. I love music and I kno I can play some sort of instrument (other than kastenet and recorder). I might not be any good playing by notes, I play good by ears.
  2. Find a job with a KLIA or MAS. Not that I don’t love my job now, but I’d like to try and work outside of my comfort zone. And since I love travelling so much, it’ll be interesting to work either in an airport or with an airline. Any contact?
  3. Buy 1 original Burberry stuff (purse/bag/watch).
  4. NOT to buy a new handphone until after my birthday (if there’s any need to buy a new phone at all.).
  5. Sleep 8 hours with NO interruption. One nite is more than enough!

Only 5 on my list for the time being. My 30th birthday is in 2 months… I better start looking for a good looking music teacher… Heeheehee… Also need to save $$$ if I wanna buy something original from Burberry. Sigh…… And I think, the most IMPOSIBBLE thing to do would be the 8 hours sleep. No joke people! With or without my daughter, I will automatically wakes up at 2am (or 3am) either to have a glass of water or to go toilet. And to those who have any contact or anything on getting ajob in KLIA or MAS, please, please let me kno….

“If someone said this to you, what would your reaction be?”


Another trivia from Esah. I like this one….. 🙂

1. Your parents: “You are not our biological child”
I kno… Mom’s too good looking to be related to me…

2. Your friend: “I’ve got cancer in the final stages”
How long have we got? (I dunno why, but this will definitely be my answer… Maybe because I want to spend more time together…)

3. Your partner: “I’ve been in a relationship with you because I pity you”
I hope you live your life well in hell…

4. Teacher: “You’re the stupidest student I’ve ever taught”
That’s why I’m here! If I’m THAT clever, you won’t have a job… No?!

5. Your younger siblings: “It’s better for me not to have a sister than have one like you”
It’s genetic… You are not well liked as well…

6. Your elder sister: “If we were not sisters, I would have made you my partner”
Unfortunately, I’ll only have Angelina Jolie as my partner and she’s with Brad…

7. Your crush: “Your sister is sweet”
… Yes… *heart-broken-all-hancur-lebur-like-volcanoe-hit-it*

8. Your admirer: “If you don’t accept me, I am going to kill myself right now”
You do know that you’ll go to hell for nothing right?

9. The police: “You have to follow us to the police station right now?”
Can I see your badge and which branch are you from? Let me call them up and confirm that you are not a liar!!!!!!

10. Your female friend: “I really love you, can we be an item?”
I’m a gay man, trapped in a woman’s body. I’d rather have the Eltons and not the Ellens….

11. President: “I want to make you my daughter in law”
This is scandalous! Trying to buy me off from my husband!!!! How dare you!!!! Btw, how much are you willing to pay? Heeheehee…

12. Your idol: “Do you know that I’ve been watching you for quite some time?”
Are you sure? I’ve been watching you the whole time and not once you blink towards me…

I don’t mean to be rude, but…

… when you ask someone a stupid question, you’ll definitely get a stupid answer back. Especially if that someone you asked is me!

I went to watch Spiderwick alone today. I got myself seated at the very end of the middle row and actually had a good view. The place was not crowded but the good seats were taken. And so I proceed to take my seat a few minutes before the movie started. Usually, I couldn’t care less about who’s seating next to me but today, the dudes made the biggest mistake of their adult lives. Here’s how the conversation went;

Them (2 dudes in their office attire): … Uish! Gelap la pulak dalam ni!

Me: *Rolling my eyes vigorously… It’s a cinema… Duh!*

Them: Sejuk pulak tu…

Me: *Shifting myself farther and looking at the 2 empty side seats next to my aisle*

Them: Tak ramai pulak orang today.

Me: *Today is Friday dumb-dumb!*

Them: Excuse me, dik, sorang je ke? Cuti ke hari ni?

Me: Tak pegi sembahyang Jumaat ke hari ni? Tempat gelap pun Tuhan boleh nampak tau!

… And then I got up and went to the empty seat next to my aisle. Seriously, I don’t mean to sound rude because I don’t give a rat’s a** whether you sembahyang or not BUT when the question asked is so obvious, my immediate reaction is 95% sarcastic.

Kepada encik-encik yang tadi tu, saya mintak maaf banyak-banyak kalau ada rasa tersinggung. Lain kali dalam panggung wayang, you don’t have to do small talks. People don’t like to be disturb when they are trying to watch the movie.

Btw, the movie was awesome. If you like the Harry Potter/Narnia type of movies, you’ll love this. Another movie I highly recommend is Stardust. Very simple romantic love story. The special effect is superb. Not to mention the very much high profile actors/actresses in it. I’ve been a huge fan of Michelle Pfeifer and I think she still looks hot. Go buy the DVD people. It’s worth it!

Top 12



Just a quick one…

My absolute favorite for the night is Jason Castro. Now, before you say I’m biased because I already am in love with him,  that’s not the reason why it’s my favorite.  I love the song so much that I don’t care if he went out of tune or watever!!!! Zizie introduced me to this particular Beatles song and it’s been a favorite since then. And of course his whole performance was just too cute. 🙂

Here’s my list from top to bottom pick:

  1. Jason Castro – No need explanation…
  2. David Cook – It was a really good performance. I just feel that it’s no longer original to have a rocker do other genre in their own style. Chris Daughtry  was the founding father of that type of stuff and he was really good with it as well. S, I tend to compare the rockers in AI with him…
  3. Brooke White – Aaaaaaawwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!! She’s so sweeeet…. I love this type of genre. Very hippie…
  4. Michael Johns – He’s got THE whole package. Good looks, good voice, sexy accent (maybe to some… I prefer Simon Cowell’s heavy Bri’ish accent.).
  5. The rest of them – Not even Carly’s performance was memorable to me…

So who’s going home? I think it’ll be Kristy Lee Cook or Syesha. Kristy because it was the worst performance ever and Syesha because people might forgot to vote for her (since she was the first singer and not very memorable as well…).

More Tokyo!

Still too tired to write… Some pictures to share…

Day 3: Gotemba Premium Outlet

It’s a 97 minutes bus ride from Tokyo to Gotemba but it was worth every second of it. Not only the branded stuff was super cheap (Coach, Prada, Gucci…etc…etc), the scene was a feast to the city eyes. The outlet is located directly across Mount Fuji!






Day 4: Ueno & Akihabara

The original plan was to visit the Zoo in Ueno. But we decided to take a nice walk through the park to look for stray cats to play with. Unfortunately, we found only a few unfriendly fat cats… We also went shopping at the famous street market in Ueno (Ameyoko). And after that we went straight to the Electric town. Akihabara was very crowded! Full with colorful characters and tourists.










Just for Junida and Wani… Orang nya tidak di jumpai… Gambar pun jadik la!

Day 5: Harajuku baby!!!

My favorite place in Tokyo!





This is what happens when you have a ‘Harajuku Mom’…

Last Day: On the airplane for 450 minutes…

And theeeeeeennnnn, the pilot decided to take a longer route! We came for 6 and a half hours. Going back home was 7 and a half hours!!!!!!!!!! Again, it was all worth it when the co-pilot announced, “In 5 minutes time, we’ll be flying across Mount Fuji…”. You only get to see this type of view either from National Geographic or in your dreams…



