Itu dan Ini

Presenting Khadeeja’s pet fish(es);

Itu (merah) & Ini (biru)

Itu (merah) & Ini (biru)

 Tapi sekarang ni Si Itu pun sudah tukar warna jadi biru… Can that happen with ikan laga? Hmmm….

Lagi-lagi knitting

I’m packed with requests for BèbèMeena’s and fingerless gloves (don’t ask me why…). But I managed to make a hat, bootees and mittens for Zizie’s new baby Boy; Ziyad. Here are some pictures:

My mom calls this 'the homeless glove'.

My mom calls this 'the homeless glove'.

 The homeless gloves is easy to do. Just Rib Stitch for 3″ (depending on how long you want your glove), and then Stockinette Stich for another 3″(same here also… depending on how long you want your love), and then Rib Stitch again for 1 1/2″. Sudah tu, jahit tepi glove making sure you skip a few inches for the thumb.

Boy bootess for Ziyad

Boy bootess for Ziyad

 I will put up the complete set picture nanti.


Kepada sesiapa yang berhasrat untuk mencuri parking ku, akan ku;

  • Calar kereta mu dengan kuku ku yang ala2 wolverine ini.
  • Cabut tayar kereta mu (or at least penutup tempat masuk angin tu).
  • Cabut wiper kereta mu.
  • Buat announcement ‘will the owner of the car, registration number *******, remove your car from the parking space. Your car is blocking the way’…

Don’t underestimate me because I WILL DO EVERYTHING ON THE LIST ABOVE!!!!!! Bloody dumbasses…

So kiut…

Thanks to Jo, I look nice in the candid picture…

Model iPhone yang tidak bertauliah

Model iPhone yang tidak bertauliah

 Also, I was shocked when Khadeeja suddenly came to me and said ‘Mommy! I want egg!’… Sejak bila dia bercakap orangputih ni pun i dunno la. Usually she will say ‘mau ini’… A few days ni, bila we ignored her request in BM, she will immediately say ‘I want this’ pulak. Mungkin dia ingat kami ndak paham apa yang dia minta. Ish… Anak pilak bereksen cakap orangputih la kunun…

Have a fanatabulous weekend!

p/s: Michael Jackson died… I wonder how they will bury him… Dia kan konon2 Muslim. Innalillahiwainnaillahiraji’un…


Some call it ‘Mary Jane’ and some call it ‘Corabeth’. I named the shoe BèbèMeena…

BèbèMeena Rainbow

BèbèMeena Rainbow


BèbèMeena Rose

BèbèMeena Rose


Kaki model yang gendut... Heh...

Kaki model yang gendut... Heh...

 Currently I’m trying to design baby boy bootees. I’ll put up pictures once I figure out how I want to knit it…

Onde mondeeee!!!!

Onde mondeee!!!

Onde mondeee!!!

If you want to stop supplying Malaysia with tenaga pekerja, go ahead! Kasi la makan sama rakyat mu yang berjuta-juta tu sendiri!!!!!

I’m a little bit pissed with the statements coming out from Indonesia punya government nowadays. With all due respect, this is going to be one nasty post. So I apologize first should anybody feel like I’m being too emotional (or too direct… SO WHAT?!).

First, it was the compulsory off day for the maid. Astaganaga… Of course la we give our maids off days. When I don’t let them out on their own, it doesn’t mean that they are locked inside the house, buat kerja 24/7. There are days where I will let my maid just sit around and do nothing at home (usually this is when I will bring the kids out). Bila aku tanya dia, ‘Kau mau keluar jalan-jalan?’. Dia punya jawapan, ‘Tak mau Kak. Nanti saya hilang di culik orang. Lagipun mau simpan wang, bukan mau belanja.’. Jawapan yang sangat bagus. Bila sudah keluar, nanti makin banyak la social problem created. Prostitution, pregnancy, lari dari majikan… etc… Lepas tu, kalau sudah orang yang kita jamin tu buat hal, kerajaan will issue a new statement; sekiranya pekerja asing anda mencuri/merogol/hilang/dibunuh anda akan dikenakan kompaun… Wanna bet?

Secondly, pasal statement kerajaan Indonesia ‘threatening’ to stop supplying us with maids. Pak Presiden, kamu nggak bagi orang kamu masuk Malaysia legally, orang kamu masuk Malaysia illegally. Orang kamu lagi sanggup mati di lautan, daripada tinggal di tempat sendiri kerana nggak punya wang untuk beli sesuap nasi! My advise to you Mr President, is to make sure all your borders are covered and no ‘leak’ from your side…

My mom’s new maid just arrived last Saturday and she told me sekarang, semua maid agency di Indon di tutup sementara waktu. She said it was because of the Manohara case and also sebab maid yang didera. I agree that a few bad cases makes our country looks like downtown Bronx but they forgot to mention the crime rates that are/were caused by the Indonesians in Malaysia. Lebih banyak kes-kes curi/rogol/bunuh yang berlaku daripada kes penderaan yang ada. I’m not condoning those who dera their maids (sudahlah orang tu tolong kau buat kerja, ini kau mau dera lagi. Dumbass!), but I’m just saying there’s always the other side of the story in any situation.

Ok… I’m all done with the rantings. Back to knitting to cool down all this anger…

HAPPY MONDAY everyone!

p/s: “Onde monde” is an expression like ‘astaga’ or ‘oh no’ used by orang Padang.

Stupidicus Bahstahdos

I’m pretty good at managing my temper nowadays. I think ever since I stopped smoking and drinking vodka and took up knitting, I’m more calm… No… I just wanted to say that… The smoking and vodka thingy at least. But it’s true. I am relatively calmer since knitting.

But this morning, I snapped, yet again.

It was (and still is) a good morning. I woke up early, took off from my house around 6.50am, and thought it will be a good day for me to listen to the new audiobook I downloaded. So I went ‘cruising’ in the highway. Going not more than 90km/hour in the middle lane. I was soooo into the book I didn’t realize the car behind me was flaring the highlights like nobodys business. At first, I thought I was really really slow. And then I noticed that I was in the middle lane. MIDDLE LANE!!!!! And so, instead of going over faster, I continued my ignorance and cruised. The driver started flashing his highlights asking me to either move over or go faster. BANGANG! Sila ikut kanan jika ingin memotong!!!!!!!! I didn’t even flinched… Didn’t move a bit… He then revved up his fugly car and move to the right lane as if he’s going to eat up my car. I can feel his glare going through my window before he went away.

My biggest problem with my temper is the cussing. I’m proud to say that I did not cuss at all at the dude. However, I did say something like “I hope you die and burn in hell!” in my head… Heh… Phew! Whatever it is, to those drivers he thinks they own the road, KIRI; perlahan, KANAN; laju…

And just for the ladies, feast your eyes… How I wish I’m the rope. ;-p

David Beckham for Emporio Armani

David Beckham for Emporio Armani